Week 6 task

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This week, while on holiday in Queensland I decided to get familiar with popular DAW Ableton live. I have only briefly used the program last semester whilst attempting to make a remix. The end result of my short encounter with the program left me unhappy at my ability to remix a piece of music as well as hating Ableton live for not understanding my simplistic work style and thus declaring it the devil in an earlier post. Looking at it again I realise this was only due to my lazy attitude towards the task and not bothering to learn the full abilities of the program.

And so, I took to remixing again.

I took only the vocal stem of the local natives song breakers and created the rest of the arrangement myself. I wanted to have some of my own recordings on it, however being on holiday at my parents place I was limited with my equipment so I gabbed some field recordings that I already had and took some samples of a friend of mine doing a drum solo to create my own drum rack, of which I was pretty proud, being a newbie and all. Its definitely not perfect and it needs work but overall I’m happy with my progress.

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